Archive | October 2018


Grotesque! The grotesque murder of Jamal Khashoggi is literally “bone” chilling. The crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammad bin Salman (MSB), allegedly ordered the murder, is a grotesque thug. The response of Mr. Trump, supposedly the world leader, is nothing short of grotesque. And our Secretary of the State, Mr. Pompeo’s genuflecting behavior to MSB is sickeningly grotesque.

The history of our nation’s relationship with Saudi Arabia is borderline grotesque, which may be attributed to the nature of geopolitics, or, oil-driven dependence (so, why not advocate alternative energy to wean ourselves from reliance on these oil-rich countries that are run by despots?). Still, it doesn’t mean that we should actually and publically help the royal family orchestrate a cover-up of a blatant gruesome murder of a journalist (not an “enemy of the state”), which is what Trump and his minions are trying to do.


On Khashoggi’s case, Trump said, “innocent till proven guilty.” Yet, with all other matters that have inconvenient evidence against him and his conduct, they are “fake.” Black is white, and up is down. This sorry excuse for a human being has no morals, no principles (except money), no courage, no shame, no conscience, no intelligence, no curiosity, no compassion, no decency, no manners; what he has in abundance is narcissism.

And one the latest developments is that a few House GOP representatives have been designing a whisper campaign to smear Mr. Khashoggi’s life, such as his sympathy with Muslim Brotherhood in his youth, or fabricating his associating with terrorists. So, the modern GOP, having become the champion of pollution, big time deficit spending, pedophiles, misogyny, white supremacy, now champions murder.

At first, from his campaign days, I was outraged by Mr. Trump’s words and deeds. Then, I became outraged by the lack of consequences of his words and deeds; or, I was outraged by his defenders. Now I have to make myself numb at his words and deeds, and supporters’ cult-like adoration, and I am horrified at myself. We have collectively come to view Trumpian “discourse” as “normal.” I have come to detest the expression: It is what it is. In the political arena, Mr. Trump hasn’t changed a bit during the last two-plus years. But our nation has; we have adjusted our responses and reactions in order to live our “normal” lives. So, yes, the United States of America’s government has become grotesque, and the people of this nation are dangerously approaching that grotesque signpost.

full moon

My fear is that when a nation has gradually normalized creeping fascism, we first forget how to, and even then forget the need to, halt the ugly march. Voting is (still) the one most important non-violent tool we have for halting or at least slowing this march, and we need to mobilize everyone around us to use this tool.