Small Whys: Requiring no answers, small answers, or some big answers.

After two somewhat heavy entries on changes, I need a break and take a fun and funny journey into some puzzling daily observations to which I have not found ready answers.  These queries may not be directly involved in organizational issues, but for some of them, you have to wonder what people were thinking in their organizing.  There is no logical rhyme or reason for the order that I list them.

  • If a computer programmed voice can tell you on the phone that you must dial “1” first, why can’t the program just dial that “1” for you?
  • When your cell phone’s battery is running low, it beeps at you.  Wouldn’t it save a bit more juice by not beeping?
  • I listen a lot to radio, and while I am deeply grateful for our dedicated classical music station, it is commercial.  Can’t there be radio commercials that are tastefully done?  I get particularly annoyed when an advertisement announces consecutively the phone number three times!  That right there would kill any tiny interest I might have in their product.  Does repetition really bring in enough revenue for the company?
  • Airline schedules puzzle me.  They are never known for being on time, so why “10:39” or “6:53” for departure or arrival?
  • “God Bless America” makes me want to ask, “only America?” followed by “does God micro-manage our lives?”
  • Similarly, “Support Our Troops” means what?  Your purchase goes directly to the troops?  In what manner do you actually support them?  What does this “support” mean?  Making them work longer?  Just saying.
  • Last year, there was a construction project remaking sidewalks in some of our neighborhoods.  Now, it’s not unreasonable to assume that such a project would require some planning ahead of time, so why did they begin to tear up sidewalks right before schools started?  When young students relied most on the sidewalks?
  • When there are orange cones on the road, and there is a sign, “construction zone, expect delay!”  Wow!  Who’d thought?!  And speaking of construction, what’s with only one or two persons working while 10 others just stand around and watch?  Another phenomenon that drives me crazy is the mile-long zone blocked off with orange cones with no construction.  I understand the need to have enough space before and after the construction area for cars to merge and fan out, but a mile long?  Couldn’t they move the cones as the construction progresses; I mean, after all, they have people standing around doing very little.
  • About traffic…one day some sections of certain streets in our neighborhood were cordoned off for special events.  I found myself coming toward a t-stop where I had no choice but turn left.  And there was an officer directing me to turn left.  Honestly!
  • Casino billboard says, “Bigger Wins & More Often!”  Seriously?  And there are people who actually accept that statement?  I mean, if the casino can control the frequency of one’s winning, then, it’s obviously rigged, no?
  • Those cords that are attached to, say, earphones, are buggers to figure out.  I am sure an engineer might be able to explain through some mathematical formulae why they are always tangled up.  But really, you can wind the cord neatly, put down the device for just one minute, and when you pick it up, it’s all twisted again.  And if you cross your eyes and sneeze once, they tie themselves into four knots!  Here is a great opportunity for someone to make a huge profit by making a clever design for cords that will never get tangled, but remain compact to carry.   (S)he could call it “Bluetooth” or some such nonsense.
  • I recently ordered some teas directly from Twinning, its UK headquarters.  The package arrived in only two days, with a “fragile” tape across the box!  I appreciate a good tea, but it can’t be that precious.   Or did marking it “fragile” help it go faster?
  • How can those pop-up ads on the computer actually result in increased sales?  Recalling those radio ads that end with phone numbers three times, did annoyance suddenly become an advertising strategy?  I have to assume that it must bring in enough revenue to make it worthwhile.  Then, my question is:  Same tactic but with taste, incurring no more cost, wouldn’t that bring in more revenue?
  • Recently, we got a “pre-qualified” invitation to apply for Visa “black card” (bad image to begin with).  One of the messages says, “Made with carbon, the Visa Black Card is guaranteed to get you noticed.”  As in “Hey, muggers, over here” or, “prime target for hacking.” And identity theft.  What’s more, “25.24% APR” for cash advances,  “$499” annual fee for account holder, AND $195 for each authorized user!!  I can think of 50 different ways, and better, to spend that $700!  How is our economy not tanked?!  Is this “black card” even for real?
  • I conclude, for this round, with this story:  Do you know there is actually a machine designed to help you learn how to walk on icy roads/sidewalk?  On the one hand, it’s kind of weird and wonky; on the other hand, it’s humiliating to have to learn to walk like a penguin.  I would love to journey through the mind of whoever decides to get such a device for an organization:  Money on this machine (plus on people’s time to use it), or on sand/salt/gravel, or heaven forbid, another snow remover?  Maybe the journey through that mind wouldn’t be fun after all.  Think of the costs to repair the psychological trauma of being trained to walk like a penguin!

I feel better now that these questions are off my chest.  Thanks for reading…I’ll be back on relationships again, around 8/28.  Till then,

Staying Sane and Charging Ahead.

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